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who should kill duck walking dead

who should kill duck walking deadwho should kill duck walking dead

The following dialogues show three solutions and options that should be selected to get to a particular solution. Angel Theory does a great job of making you feel Kelly's pain every time she's on screen and that's exactly why the show should kill the beloved character. A woman asks if they would be trouble, but Lee promises that they were friendly. Katjaa calls Lee up to the cabin of the RV, asking for a quiet conversation. Depending on how many items Lee has gotten, (from little to lots of supplies) Lilly will be dismayed because of the shortage of supplies or relieved by the amount of new rations. The group hears a gunshot, assuming Katjaa killed Duck. Lee helps Clementine correct her stance and aim with two bottles before she is able to hit a third by herself with no assistance. That's one really nice thing I liked about this game. Lee then either scorns or thanks him for his efforts respectively. You will finish this chapter by talking with Clementine. Picture Gallery. Lee discuss with Kenny and katjaa and try to convince them to terminate Duck before turnin. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider It's easy to imagine the dad sacrificing his life to take out the villainous Lance Hornsby for the next generation to thrive. Clementine tries to bring up Duck's condition, but Kenny harshly orders her to get on the train at the first mention of Duck's condition. After Lee exits through the door the camera will fall below the floor's texture, making it impossible for the player to move around the episode and halting further progress. Exit the cab and open the engine compartment on the left. She asks Lee to explain what had happened to Clementine for them. Initially reluctant to allow the child to help, he begrudgingly accepts Duck's assistance whether he agreed to it or not. Regardless of whether Lee reveals his criminal history, Kenny will mention his honesty back then being enough, also speculating that Kajaa would have forgiven him if she was still alive. However, having Kenny kill Fivel is the best option. It's not Duck, in any scenario. I was eating that! Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Jane will use Duck along with Katjaa and Sarita against Kenny in the car drive. You can also do nothing - simply wait until the time is up (You didn't help.). Choosing this option means that Lee will have less time to get supplies. Lee can admit that the walkers had not killed them, leading to Chuck concluding that the living had killed them. Reloading the scene fixes the issue. Lee can intervene and bring up that their current situation was better than Kenny was implying, leading to Kenny bringing up what Lee had done with regards to the screaming woman in Macon. If Lee asks Ben about the broken flashlight, the player can still control Lee during the conversation. Doug/Carley speaks up, (Determinant) calling for Lilly to stop threatening Ben, yet Lilly curtly tells him/her to shut up. Ben begs for Lilly to just let him back on the RV and end this discussion, but she denies him entry. Move the cursor over his fist . Kenny should kill Duck: Fivel isn't Duck and Kenny should help him along his way instead of being paralyzed about it. Katjaa tends to him for a while over a medical perspective, believing he might possibly be cured, and asks Lee to look for water to give him. I let him kill Fivel because I felt that it would give him some closure for Duck's death. (Determinant) When Kenny fails to offer his opinion once again, Lilly either orders Ben to place the blame on Carley or confess to his crimes. He goes to the engine train and waits for Lee to come in and start it. I think that killing your own son would just make you cold instead of strong, so I shot Duck for him. Chuck accepts Kenny's offer to go with them, and gets into the boxcar with Ben. Lee Everett and . Lee may or may not kick the lit blowtorch onto the spilling gas, (depending on the player's choice) making a small barrier of fire to buy time. Lee has to choose whether to kill Duck himself or have Kenny do it, or alternatively, Lee and Kenny can leave him there to reanimate. This weakens Lee's relationship with Omid. I shot both Duck and the boy. Lee has no comfort to give to Clementine about it, so he changes the subject, either bringing up how he is glad to still have Clementine, how he misses his own mother and father, or by telling her a story about how his brother had almost died. Do Nothing: Lee falls over as Omid throws himself onto the train. There are plenty of folks who have overstayed their welcome and haven't served a purpose for a while. Her lines are in audio clips. It will skip the scene where Lee and Kenny walk back to the motor inn and the scene where Kenny and Lilly argue. You're the greatest detective and I can be Dick Grayson! He was just a kid for crying out loud. Ben/Carley denies any prior involvement with the bandits, (Determinant) but Lilly ignores all protests and begins drawing her own conclusions based on her suspect's reaction. Clementine asks Lee what was happening, to which he can either be blunt about Duck's death, slowly reassure her about her friend's death and that they were saving him from a worse fate, or lie and tell her that nothing was happening. In the sign in the window of the abandoned station, "Trespassers" is misspelled as "Tres. Before Lee can kill the final bandit, he throws himself over the wall and whistles sharply. (Determinant) Lee gives a bottle of whiskey he had found in Chuck's supply and then lures Kenny out of the engine car with the promise of a drink long enough for Lee to grab the map and return to Clementine. Christa notices that Lee was not Clementine's father and asks what their story was. Duck is also attacked by the oncoming walkers. Lee and Kenny scour the pharmacy section of the drugstore for any remaining supplies. The two decide to look near the Marsh House, where she last knew her parents were staying. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. But now i'm on chapter 2 and Kenny made a mention about me not caring about his son's life earlier. If Lee sided with Kenny in regards to leaving the motel then looked at the sign outside the wall, Lee will mumble to himself how they have stayed there too long. Fight Kenny: Lee either provokes Kenny with a shove or taunts him to the point where Kenny initiates a shoving match, each one trying to push the other to the wall. I was able to convince him by reminding him that Clem is my family now. At the end of each chapter, it will review your choices and show you how you compared to others who played the game (what % saved Shawn or Duck, etc.). He survives in Season 2, and is a likable, but nevertheless flawed man. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Chuck then brings up the group's lack of a tangible plan (criticizing the notion of searching for a boat if Lee chooses to offer that as an argument) and tells Lee that he should involve Clementine in his decisions. Sometimes, Lee will cut Clementine's hair and teach her how to shoot at the same time, with the camera shifting to the teaching her how to shoot angle while Lee is cutting her hair, and vice versa. I shot duck but made kenny kill the boy in the attic just in case a part came where he was trapped with another kid and lee couldnt help him. Depending upon what Lee decided to do about Larry in the meat locker, if Lee stays silent when being asked about leaving, Kenny will say different words. The lower half of each walker in the herd sinks beneath the ground, and the level of dust recedes. I couldn't let him choke up everytime he saw a zombie. (Determinant). She was kinda angry about my decision and called me a cop out or something. Why would you leave him and let him suffer that fate? Doug/Carley comes up to Lee and advises him to talk to Lilly about what she said about stolen supplies, worried that she might be growing paranoid. Furious at him, Kenny shouts and berates Lee for having no clue for what Kenny is going through. Stupid bloody woman. (Determinant) Christa offers to help them move the train, but warns him that she and Omid would leave at the first sign of trouble with them. If Doug was saved in "A New Day", then Lilly quickly aims at Ben, only for Doug to drag him out of the way and accidentally place himself in front of the bullet, horrifying Lilly over what she had just done. All rights reserved. Maybe if Doug had already reanimated it would be different. Later, when sneaking through the cabin, looking for medical supplies, she will also solemnly mention him with a sad tone in her voice if she looks at the portrait of a duck in the cabin, evidently displaying that the death of her friend still upsets her greatly. Ben will speak to you. In doing so, the show has become almost predictable in who it decides to kill off. Virgil, Sebastian, Magna, and Luke have all overstayed their welcome. Kenny asks Lee if there was anything else keeping them from leaving. Kill him. Now that Elijah has expressed interest in Lydia, his purpose in the final few episodes seems clear. I thought she would've received the boot on the last batch of episodes after it was discovered that she was impersonating Max and catfishing Eugene. Calm him down and back off or get it on. August 28, 2012PS3 (North America)August 29, 2012PC/Mac (Worldwide)X360 (Worldwide)September 7, 2012PS3 (Europe)October 18, 2012iOS (Worldwide)August 20, 2013PSVita (Worldwide)December 19, 2013Fire HDX (Worldwide)April 8, 2014Android (Worldwide)October 14, 2014PS4 (North America)XONE (North America)October 31, 2014PS4 (Europe)XONE (Europe)August 28, 2018NS (Worldwide) This list shows some of the choices made by players that were tracked by the game. Leave the wagon through the Boxcar Door, but before leaving you can look at the Bloodstain. He takes a rag from her and- at her request- goes to the engine car to get Kenny to stop the train. Kenny, however, refuses to believe Duck will die, stating the Duck is not like the others who died. He warns Lee and Ben to be careful as they check out the train. Select any answer, and in the next dialogue - whatever you choose - Chuck will not be happy about it anyway (Chuck doesn't like that.). Use the blowtorch on the hitch (Cut: Hitch). "I wish we could have seen Magna's backstory," Hilker told Insider recently over Zoom. They request for Lee to meet them upon the bridge by climbing a ladder against the bridge's column. The walker Lee killed by tipping over the fridge is not there in the shot of Kenny shooting walkers. Kenny warns Lee that he is making a mistake in letting a murderer back on the RV, but Lilly brings up how Lee was a murderer too. Lee will be unable to open the door, but can still reach in and grab the animal crackers somehow. After Duck got bitten by a walker, he start turning into a zombie. Maybe if Katjaa hadn't killed herself, then shooting Duck would have helped Kenny get closure, but it seemed like way too much for a father to do after all that. Shocked, Lee can express outrage at Ben and threaten to kill him or just ask why he had done it, the latter resulting in Ben trying to excuse his actions by explaining that the bandits had threatened to kill his friend, but Ben had been unable to break off the deal when he discovered that his friend had never been with them. It's the more logical thing to do. Lee asks Kenny and Katjaa what was wrong, only for them to hesitantly glance at one another. Choose to fight Kenny or tell him "I don't know what's wrong with you." Kenny pulls his hands up to fight. A Sebastian death would also deliver justice for comic readers. You can burn them (an optional choice). - Searching for the bandits Chapter 3: Thank you for shopping at Save Lots! Lee offers a response to which Kenny curtly spits on. If the player had previously taught her how to shoot and developed a plan prior to this glitch, then Clementine will respond as if talked to again. He takes one and leaves the others in the compartment. Leave Him to Reanimate (Undead): Neither Lee nor Kenny can bring themselves to shoot the child, and they regretfully leave him to reanimate in the woods. Kenny climbs up a big rig ladder to climb over a truck in their way as had become normal for their supply runs, when the ladder breaks. Turn . I just left him because there wasn't anything we could have done to make the situation better for Kenny or myself. Angered, Lee leaves the boxcar and goes to the outside railing of the engine car. Only because you get Kenny's trust from the beginning instead of having to work harder to gain it. Lee goes back to Clementine with the map and gives his position on what to do upon their arrival, (Determinant) whether it be helping the group search for a boat, abandoning the group to its inevitable destruction, or going to look for her parents. Lee's fight with Kenny in Season 1 is paralleled in Season 2 by a fight between Kenny and Mike: The fight occurs in the third episode of each season. Crying, Kenny follows Lee out of the clearing, leaving his wife dead and his son to reanimate. Next, you and Omid will face a difficult task of jumping from the bridge onto the train that has just started. If Lee constricts Kenny's throat, then he will either growl about how Kenny was hurting Katjaa and Duck with his actions or that their Lee was starting to regret their friendship depending on their prior relationship. lol. I took care of Duck for him. The Walking Dead is an episodic adventure game developed by Telltale Games. He shouts for Lilly to get down there before they left without her. - Mystery in the barn Chapter 4: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner . Terms of Service / Privacy Policy. Duck's family had a pet Labrador retriever named Franklin. When Lee begins to venture over to the train station, Clementine stops him and asks if he would let her go with him. 2019 Telltale, Incorporated. as well as other partner offers and accept our, can apparently climb walls and open doors, the most and least likely to get killed off of the show, wanted to get killed off the show to experience being a walker, told me he couldn't believe his character made it out alive, since we largely know that Maggie, Negan, and Daryl should be safe, Carl wrote Negan a letter before his death. Kenny asks Lee his opinion on whether or not the group should leave the motel for the coast. She then asks if she could tell her parents over her walkie-talkie of their new plan. Although the game does not indicate this, your responses can be important. Both will be remembered by Ben (Ben will remember that.). Lee can say that there had used to be more of them, to which Chuck asks if the "dead [got] them". You will put another one, Clementine will shoot, correct the shot once more. I wanted the last memories of Duck to be him sleeping. If you didn't, she will wear her dress as always. Early the next morning, Lee is driving the train, with Clementine sleeping next to him. I let Kenny kill him. I've already taken a look at who's the most and least likely to get killed off of the show by November's series finale, but that's not who I think the series should take the ax to before its end. It's extremely frustrating because he's proven time and again that he doesn't care about anyone but himself in the zombie apocalypse. I thought that it would be traumatic for him to kill his son just after his wife committed suicide. Welcome to r/TheWalkingDeadGame! A rare glitch can occur after the segment where Lee chose Ducks ultimate fate. That's not a good idea. I chose Shawn. Kenny says that line regardless of the player, even considering that the player earlier decides to save Doug in episode 1. As for Fivel, I always have Kenny do it. Personally I think shooting Duck yourself and letting him kill the boy is the best solution, but I wanna hear your opinions on this and reasons in case I'm missing anything. Lee brings the bag back to Lilly in her room, reporting his findings of the chalk sign and where he had found the drugs. Exit through the Cab Door on the right. I killed Duck for him, and when he said he was ashamed for not being able to kill Duck himself I knew that I had to have him do it this time. The only thing I was afraid of was him shooting himself when I gave him the gun. He is attacked by a zombie while on the streets of Macon, Georgia. She shows him a broken flashlight she had found discarded in the dumpster as evidence that someone had been sneaking the medicine out, as since none of them were supposed to trash broken equipment, someone must have been using it when they shouldn't have. (Determinant) Lee intervenes, (Determinant) telling her that he was the one that had stolen the supplies. I couldn't let the father kill his own flesh and blood, so I did it for him. In fact, now that I think about it, Telltale made me . Young love rarely survives on this show. In any case, you can choose one of the following responses (Clementine's hair is a lot safer now.). (Determinant) If Katjaa had gone into the woods by herself before, Kenny walks in a daze toward where he had last seen his wife go as Lee slowly trails behind him until they stumble upon a small clearing a discover that Katjaa had shot herself rather than Duck. Had stolen the supplies could tell her parents were staying should kill Duck: Fivel is n't Duck and walk. A while reanimated it would be different Chuck accepts Kenny 's trust from the bridge by climbing a against. The wagon through the boxcar with Ben one really nice thing I liked this. Any case, you and Omid will face a difficult task of jumping the... 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who should kill duck walking dead

who should kill duck walking dead