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glycerin magnesium sulphate dressing for edema

glycerin magnesium sulphate dressing for edemaglycerin magnesium sulphate dressing for edema

During normal physiological processes, Mg2+ works as a voltage dependent antagonist and a noncompetitive inhibitor of the N-methyl-D- aspartic acid (NMDA) receptors and ion channels in the brain. Zador Z, Stiver S, Wang V, Manley GT (2009) Role of aquaporin-4 in cerebral edema and stroke. Treatment with magnesium and MK- 801 (dizocilpine), a noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist, either alone or in combination, can reduce brain edema development and help to restore BBB permeability after experimental diffuse brain injury (Feng et al., 2004; Imer et al., 2009). Wolf FI, Trapani V, Simonacci M, Ferr S, Maier JAM. The finding of the study indicated that the computed "t" value of cold application group ('t" 14 =14.33), heparinoid application group ('t' 14 A study conducted by Cicoloni33 also found first degree thrombophlebitis to be the highest (84.4%). For this reason, research in this field should continue in order to provide a thorough explanation of the impact of magnesium on the BBB, brain edema and related pathologies. Keywords: Glycerin magnesium sulphate dressing, Phlebitis patients, Peripheral Intravenous infusion, Effectiveness. Molecular biology of the blood- brain-barrier. On the other hand, magnesium supplementation can play multiple roles in protecting BBB integrity and improving brain edema. There can be variation in the licensing of different medicines containing the same drug. In animal models, magnesium treatment has been shown to contribute to the protection of the BBB during eclampsia, to decrease the increased BBB permeability, and to prevent the development of brain edema in certain experimental settings, including acute hypertension and hypoglycemia- induced seizures (Kaya et al., 2001 and 2004; Euser et al., 2008). In addition, magnesium treatment protects the blood-spinal cord barrier, improves clinical recovery, and preserves normal spinal cord ultrastructure in experimental spinal cord injury in rats (Kaptanoglu et al., 2003). When used as a suppository and applied to anal canal it induces evacuation. The finding of the study is consistent with others studies. Based on the above-mentioned data, it can be concluded that although there has not been a consensus between animal and human studies regarding the efficiency of magnesium administration in TBI, it can be effective in the recovery of BBB damage at least in animal models. Surprisingly 47 years was the mean age of respondents in both groups. Cytotoxic brain edema is characterized by sustained intracellular water accumulation, causing cellular injury in the absence of BBB damage and involving mainly astrocytes. Setting: The study was conducted in medical and surgical wards of B.P. Only in some participants palpable venous cord and pyrexia was present in both groups. Manufacturer advises paste should be stirred before use. U.S. FDA Resources. These enzymes are important for the survival of various cell types including endothelial cells of the BBB. This is express yourself space. Magnesium Sulphate with Glycerin dressing and Heparinoid ointment application are found to be used widely for the management of phlebitis. Tight junctions (TJs) between adjacent brain capillary endothelial cells possess occludin and claudin proteins that serve to preserve junctional integrity. Pharmacology of traumatic brain injury. The present study shows that the severity of phlebitis as being as moderate phlebitis 56% among both groups followed by severe 44% and 68% in MSG and HPA groups respectively and 12%, 6% mild phlebitis in MSG and HPA groups respectively. This book is copyright. A comparative study conducted to assess the effectiveness of alovera, glycerin and cold application on superficial thrombophlebitis among 90 patients in Peoples Hospital & Research Centre of Bhopal city, India the study reported that cold application was more effective as compared with alovera and glycerin. In: Aquaporins- Handbook of experimental pharmacology 190 (Beitz E, eds), Springer, Heidelberg, pp 159-70. Based on the findings of the study, both magnesium sulphate with glycerin dressing and heparinoid ointment application were effective in management of peripheral cannula induced phlebitis (p < 0.001) but among them the mean VIP score is more in MSG group as compared with that of HPA group so magnesium sulphate with glycerin was more effective. Treatment with magnesium decreases the concentration of inflammatory cytokines and free radicals and increases antioxidant capacity and survival rate in rats (Salem et al., 1995). A single dose of ethanol (2 g/kg) injected to mice significantly decreased total Mg2+ concentration in serum (Papierkowski et al., 1998). Susanna, Sr. Winnifred D'Souza(2014), Malarvizhi, to identify the effectiveness of fresh aloevera and glycerin magnesium sulphate application on phlebitis among children.. Weglicki WB, Phillips TM, Mak IT, Cassidy MM, Dickens BF, Stafford R, Kramer JH. Monitoring: Data was taken and sequential coding was done. The sodium channel blocker and glutamate release inhibitor BW1003C87 and magnesium attenuate regional cerebral edema following experimental brain injury in the rat. Similarly, this study confirms the findings of some other studies as well Wait [18] that site of insertion of cannula influence phlebitis. This is done for symptomatic relief in patients with limb edema. Table 9 shows there is no association between the phlebitis severity score of both groups and treatment-related variables. Unterberg AW, Stover J, Kress B, Kiening KL. Cardoso FL, Brites D, Brito MA. WellTell us something you know better. [. The other types of edema are interstitial edema, which is observed in patients with hydrocephalus, and osmotic edema caused by imbalances of osmotically active substances, promoting water influx into cells. Nepalese Army Institute of Health Sciences, College of Nursing, Sanobharyang, Kathmandu, Nepal, Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Heparin also has an antiphlogistic and anti-exudative effect, thus alleviating pain and promoting tissue metabolism and the process of healing [12]. The result revealed that in group I the mean pre-post treatment score of phlebitis were 3.36 and 0.120 respectively and the pre-test and post-test scores of standard deviation were 0.757 and 0.332 respectively and rank 6.80 and 1.98 respectively. Verbal consent, Roller Gauze, Magnesium sulphate & glycerine solution, crepe bandage. Prolonged standing, Encourage rhythmic isotonic movements eg. Brain intracellular and extracellular Mg2+ concentrations, as well as serum Mg2+ levels, are decreased following central nervous system injury and a decline of Mg2+ concentration in brain can further increase the severity of BBB disruption and be a critical factor in the development of irreversible tissue damage (Vink et al., 1987; Vink and Cernak, 2000; Vink et al., 2009). Address all inquiries to the Director at the above address. Therefore, replacement of peripheral vein catheters (using a new venipuncture site) is recommended every 72 to 96 hours. Small size catheters allow more blood flow in adjacent tissues and thereby prevent damage to the tunica intima of the vein. They identified that the higher frequency for complication was found in the age group of 30 to 60 years old [15]. Although the BBB appears to possess a static structure, it has the ability to adapt readily to sudden changes. Magnesium sulfate combined with water causes reverse osmosis. Cerebral hypoxia/ischemia is known to cause disruption of BBB integrity, thereby increasing the permeability of the BBB and leading to the development of brain edema. Phlebitis, Effectiveness, Glycerin Magnesium Sulphate, Heparinoid Ointment. Multivariate analysis for risk factors for phlebitis done by Oliveira [22] showed that KCL infusion and IV antibiotics to be important risk factor which is supported by a study Saini [23]. Ebel H, Gunther T. Magnesium metabolism: a review. The tool consisted of the following items. Thus it was concluded that both the applications were effective in reducing level of phlebitis. Magnesium Sulfate solution is widely used as a soak for aching joints, strains, sprains, etc. Wound heals better in moist environment. similarly 24 (96%) participants were receiving intravenous fluids and electrolytes Likewise 15 (60%) and 5 (20%) participants in MSG and HPA groups respectively. In brain tissue, the barrier-type endothelial cells have a continuous basal membrane and do not exhibit fenestrations. McKee JA, Brewer RP, Macy GE, Phillips-Bute B, Campbell KA, Borel CO, Reynolds JD, Warner DS. Magnesium administration significantly attenuates the hypoxia-induced increase in reactive oxygen species and contributes to the repair of the disrupted BBB in hypoxia/ischemia (Ravishankar et al., 2001; Goi-de-Cerio et al., 2009). Kaya M, Gulturk S, Elmas I, Arican N, Kocyildiz ZC, Kucuk M, Yorulmaz H, Sivas A. 20 gram of magnesium sulphate was diluted in 100 ml of glycerin and this combination was applied by using soaked gauze pieces covering with the help of roller bandage whereas heparinoid ointment was applied in a thin layer to the skin of the affected part and the surrounding area, which is absorbed by the skin within the short period of time. Similarly, Cicolini found that thrombophlebitis and catheter size was statistically significant [19]. Informed (verbal and written) consent was taken from each participant. Altura BM, Gebrewold A, Zhang A, Altura BT. In pathological conditions with BBB impairment, Mg2+ passes into the extracellular compartment of the brain in significantly higher concentrations and plays an important role in the pathophysiological processes that follow BBB disruption. Demougeot C, Bobillier-Chaumont S, Mossiat C, Marie C, Berthelot A. Medicinal forms. Soak it completely so that no part of gauze is dry 4. Lipophilic substances with molecular weights less than 400-600 Da can pass readily into the brain tissue by passive diffusion. Table 1. In a study involving a total of 21 patients with normal- pressure hydrocephalus, a slight plasma-like protein pattern has been demonstrated in CSF in 38% of the patients prior to surgical intervention, indicating BBB dysfunction (Wikkels and Blomstrand, 1982). Table 3. However this result did not exactly provide sufficient statistical evidence to prove and validate this result but Marino [21] showed that the incidence of phlebitis increases significantly after peripheral vein catheters are left in place longer than 72 hours, but the incidence does not change from 72 to 96 hours. Last updated on Dec 17, 2022. A 1999 study published in "Biology of the Neonate" found that when pregnant rats were given a magnesium-deficient diet, the mortality rate of their pups increased. Data handling: After completion of data collection, and interventional questionnaire and phlebitis grade was checked for completeness and the filled format were handled with care, stored and coded for further analysis. Pathology and new players in the pathogenesis of brain edema. They also had significantly higher levels of edema and hemorrhages. Wolf FI, Trapani V. Cell (patho) physiology of magnesium. Magnesium can modulate hypoxic-ischemic events in the cerebral cortex by blocking the action of local putative excitatory amino acid neurotransmitters and consequently, high extracellular Mg2+ has been shown to be effective in blocking the pathophysiological mechanisms of rupture and spasm in the brain microvasculature (Huang et al., 1994; Chaon et al., 2006). In: Vink R, Nechifor M, editors. Magnesium salts, such as magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) or magnesium chloride were shown to penetrate the BBB and cause enhancement of brain intracellular free Mg2+ concentration following TBI (Heath and Vink, 1999). Romani AM, Scarpa A. Effects of blockade of ionotropic glutamate receptors on blood- brain barrier disruption in focal cerebral ischemia. Types of illness, days of hospital stay, cannula insertion site, size of cannula and frequency of insertion shows no statistical significance so both groups are homogenously significant with P-value of (0.05). The finding is consistent with the study by da Shiva32 where they found that, phlebitis incidence was more frequent in the veins of small calibers on the dorsum of the hand and in the median anti-brachial vein. However, there are no more studies to support this finding. Mg2+ is slowly transported across the BBB into the brain by transporters and exchangers located in endothelial cell membranes, including the Na+/Mg2+ exchanger, the Mg2+/Ca2+ exchanger and cation channels. Among the other events associated with Mg2+ deficiency in brain are opening of Ca2+ channels, cellular entry of Ca2+, release of certain neurotransmitters, activ- ation of NMDA receptors, membrane oxidation and activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NFKB) (Weglicki et al., 1994; Altura et al., 2003; Billard, 2006; Rayssiguier et al., 2010). When approximately, 95% confidence intervals were used P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. primary physiological response to trauma, thus minimizing the barrier to wound healing an facilitates tissue repair. Okiyama K, Smith DH, Gennarelli TA, Simon RP, Leach M, McIntosh TK. Soak it completely so that no part of gauze is dry, 4. Aquaporin-4 gene disruption in mice reduces brain swelling and mortality in pneumococcal meningitis. Lee MS, Wu YS, Yang DY, Lee JB, Cheng FC. Swimming, massaging, Wear soft rubber soled shoes and take regular care of feet, Written by our guest author Varad Chandak. Pre-testing was performed before intervention. 5. A study conducted in India by Saini [23] found grade 2 or mild phlebitis (46%) higher than grade 3 or moderated (44%) phlebitis. Passive diffusion across the BBB mainly depends on the lipid solubility and molecular weight of molecules. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of magnesium sulphate with glycerin dressing as compared to heparinoid ointment application on management of peripheral cannula induced phlebitis. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal. Some research findings have showed male gender has more phlebitis than female sex [7] [14] where as in some studies majority of subjects were female 60% in MSG and male 56% and HPA group the finding is consistent with that of the previous finding from the study by Tan, where results showed that female patients had a significant increased risk of developing thrombophlebitis. Fisher M. Pericyte signaling in the neurovascular unit. Reduction in brain intracellular free Mg2+ is also associated with brain intracellular acidosis and a concomitant reduction of brain energy stores (Vink et al., 1988; Altura et al., 1995). Magnesium sulphate with glycerine dressing: It refers to a gauze pad soaked in warm magnesium sulphate granules saturated with glycerin, topically applied and secured with roller bandage three times a day, continuously for two days to evaluate the effectiveness of magnesium sulphate with glycerin dressing versus heparinoid ointment application The average score was reduced on post-treatment score in both groups. This is wrong method.Magsulf powder needs to be dissolved in warm glycerine in water bath, in porcilain Bowl . Go to Top of Page Study Description Study Design Arms and Interventions Outcome Measures Eligibility Criteria Contacts and Locations More Information. Take magnesium sulphate granules and mix it with glycerine using one finger (20 gm MgSO4: 100 ml Glycerine ratio). S. Magnesium sulphate solution is a good medicine for any type of wound and edema,we also uses the above preparation. Glycerin can be made from natural products such as vegetable oil, or can be synthesized from propylene alcohol. Romani AM. Table 8. The average score has been reduced on post r score in both groups score. Adelaide (AU): University of Adelaide Press; 2011. But the association was not statistically significant. Turkoglu OF, Eroglu H, Okutan O, Tun MK, Bodur E, Sargon MF, Oner L, Beskonakli E. A comparative study of treatment for brain edema Magnesium sulphate versus dexamethasone sodium phosphate. Honey dressing proved itself to be superior to Glycerin Magnesium Sulfate dressing since there were no signs of skin . One of the major mechanisms responsible for the pharmacological action of Mg2+ is blockage of NMDA or alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl isoxazole-4-proprionic acid (AMPA) channels/ receptors in cerebral vascular system as well as brain parenchyma (Huang et al., 1994). Effect of diets with different magnesium content in ischemic stroke rats. Taniguchi M, Yamashita T, Kumura E, Tamatani M, Kobayashi A, Yokawa T, Maruno M, Kato A, Ohnishi T, Kohmura E, Tohyama M, Yoshimine T. Induction of aquaporin-4 water channel mRNA after focal cerebral ischemia in rat. An equal number of participants were taken having medical and surgical problems. a = Mann-Whitney U Test; b = Kruskal Wallis Test. Similarly, there was no significant association between magnesium sulphate with glycerin dressing and heparinoid ointment application on management of phlebitis with selected socio-demographic variables and cannula related factors. Epsom salt is one of many naturally occurring mineral salts, a compound of magnesium and sulfate in rock-like formations. This study found that cannula of 16 G, 18 G and 20 G predicts more than 22 G cannula among both groups the most common catheter used was size 20 G which was approximately eighty percentage i.e. The role of magnesium in edema and blood brain barrier disruption. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Magnesium Sulphate with Glycerine and Heparinoid Ointment Application on Phlebitis. **Multiple Response, Fishers Exact Test*. Among the other mechanisms put forward for the beneficial effects of Mg2+ in decreasing brain edema are restriction of the opening of paracellular pathways through Ca2+ antagonism, alleviation of the oxidative stress, and prevention of hypertensive encephalopathy through reduction in cerebral perfusion pressure (Belfort et al., 2008; Euser and Cipolla 2009). Khan OH, Enno T, Del Bigio MR. Magnesium sulfate therapy is of mild benefit to young rats with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus. High concentrations of magnesiummodulate vascular endothelial cell behaviour in vitro. It is formed by medical using magnesium sulfate aqueous solution and carrier. Thyroxine dose was adjusted, a gluten-free diet was advised, and basal-bolus treatment with glargine and lispro was started. Pardridge WM. Key Ingredients: Dried magnesium sulfate Topical glycerine Topical phenol Key Benefits: Symptoms of edema include: Swelling or puffiness of the tissue right under the skin, especially in legs or arms. The mean VIP score is more in MSG group as compared with that of HPA group. The difference between pre and post-treatment score was found to be significant. Edema in foot and ankle. A study conducted by Wallis, Singh [18] [20] established larger catheter size 20 G (18 or smaller gauze) predicts phlebitis. Ravishankar S, Ashraf QM, Fritz K, Mishra OP, Delivoria-Papadopoulos M. Expression of Bax and Bcl-2 proteins during hypoxia in cerebral cortical neuronal nuclei of newborn piglets: effect of administration of magnesium sulfate. Cellular Elements of the Blood-Brain Barrier. Majority of 80% participants days of hospital stay was below 1 week among both MSG and HPA groups out of them 40% and 88% were in MSG group and HPA group respectively the study is inconsistent with the study by Abdul it shows that phlebitis per patient was associated with longer hospital stay [17]. Low extracellular magnesium ions induce lipid peroxidation and activation of nuclear factor-kappa B in canine cerebral vascular smooth muscle: possible relation to traumatic brain injury and strokes. After every application of intervention the posttest level of phlebitis was assessed by using the VIP scale. The name "Epsom salt" is a nod to the town of Epsom, located a stone . Magnesium sulphate is a natural exfoliant and has anti- inflammatory properties. The average score has been reduced on post-test score in both groups. Abbott NJ, Patabendige AA, Dolman DE, Yusof SR, Begley DJ. All absorbent dressings maintain moist wound environment but dressings like hydrogel and glycerin magnesium sulphate provide direct moisture to the wound. Magsulf Ointment is used for treating inflammation and acne. Table 4 depicts that majority of 16% and 80% participants had pain along the pathway in MSG and HPA groups. Most people are very tolerant of glycerin, without experiencing irritation. This finding is supported by study conducted in India where they found that incidence of phlebitis is lower in patients older than 60 years than below 60 years Cicolini [14] also reported equal numbers of participants 24% were from below 25 years, 46 - 65 and >65 years of age group in MSG group. Take magnesium sulphate granules and mix it with glycerine using one finger (20 gm MgSO4: 100 ml Glycerine ratio), 2. This is supposed by other findings where age and phlebitis were independent [15]. Everything you love about Epsom Salt, now in a convenient and easy to apply pad. Sen AP, Gulati A. When regulating its own activities, the mature BBB receives support from at least three different cell types: 1) pericytes which share the same basement membrane with endothelial cells; 2) astrocytes which envelope 99% of the abluminal face of endothelial cells; and 3) neurons (Guo and Lo, 2009; Correale and Villa, 2009). Correale J, Villa A. M . Almost equal number of participants were from both gender 24 (48%) and 26 (52%) from male and female gender respectively. The role of magnesium in edema and blood brain barrier disruption, Magnesium in the Central Nervous System [Internet]. Vink R, McIntosh T K, Demediuk P, Faden AI. Take thin layer of gauze piece and soak it in the solution just made, 3. The mean visual infusion scale score was more in MSG group as compared with that of HPA group. Glycerine soothes the irritated skin so it is used as a component of cough mixtures. Marmarou A. Klatzo I. Presidental address: neuropathological aspects of brain edema. Simple random sampling technique was used to allocate the wards to each interventional group and purposive sampling technique to select samples where instruments baseline Performa and observation scale was used to collect data. Coding/decoding: Serial number was given for each sample result. Role of magnesium in the pathogenesis of hypertension. application of magnesium sulphate topically initiates a process called reverse osmosis which absorbs excessive water and reduces edema. Comment all you like here! Vink R, Cook NL, van den Heuvel C. Magnesium in acute and chronic brain injury: an update. Procedure for the application of both the interventions was different. Glycerin is a natural by-product of the soap manufacturing process. However this finding is contradictory to the finding of other studies. MAGNOCARE Wet Pads composed of Magnesium Sulfate. Uses for magnesium sulfate Magnesium sulfate is used for short-term relief of constipation. However, little is known about whether any improvement in BBB integrity can be achieved by magnesium treatment in acute or chronic ethanol intake. Extracellular Mg2+ concentration has been shown to significantly decrease to approximately 60% of basal values in the ipsilateral cortex in hypoxia-ischemia (Lee et al., 2002). Meanwhile, in a double- blinded trial conducted to check the validity of animal data in humans, and to explore whether magnesium infusion initiated within 8 hours of major head injury and continued for 5 days would decrease mortality and improve the functional outcome in head-injured patients, it was reported that there was no clinical suggestion of a beneficial effect of the magnesium regimen in these patients (Temkin et al., 2007). Eclampsia is a serious hypertensive disorder of pregnancy with seizures and associated BBB disruption and vasogenic edema in a similar manner to that observed in hypertensive encephalopathy (Schwartz et al., 2000; Euser and Cipolla, 2009). Magnesium sulphate was applied every 2 h for 2 days in solution form with a compress, and the limb was raised, wrapped in plastic and immobilised (Wan, 2018), or it was applied in ointment form . All applications were given 3 times a day for 3 days. Weglicki WB, Mak IT, Kramer JH, Dickens BF, Cassidy MM, Staord RE, Phillips TM. Materials and Methods Hallak M, Berman RF, Irtenkauf SM, Evans MI, Cotton DB. Add your e-mail address to receive free newsletters from SCIRP. Energy depletion followed by a failure of the Na+- K+ ATPase plays a major role in the pathogenesis of cytotoxic brain edema, and increased uptake of Na+ into the cell cannot be equilibrated by the defective pump. Human and animal studies have indicated that hydrocephalus leads to disruption of the BBB. Table 7 Demonstrate that there is a statistically significant difference in phlebitis score in both experimental groups MSG and HPA groups after comparison baseline within 8, 16, 32, 40, 48 hours of administration of intervention (P = 0.05). Maximum 39 (78%) were married and majority cant read and write. Glycerin is an odorless, thick, sweet-tasting, syrupy liquid with a very short molecule, having the chemical formula C3H8O3. These cells contain many mitochondria, but harbour very few caveola (pinocytotic vesicles) in their luminal surfaces. To make and apply an Epsom salt paste, follow these steps: In a small bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of vegetable glycerin with 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt until it forms a paste. Ionized magnesium (Mg2+) is . Effects of magnesium sulfate on lipid peroxidation and blood pressure regulators in pre-eclampsia. They are primarily used for therapeutic purposes such as administration of medications, fluids and/or blood products as well as blood sampling. Nakahama K, Nagano M, Fujioka A, Shinoda K, Sasaki H. Effect of TPA on aquaporin 4 mRNA expression in cultured rat astrocytes. The observation that blockade of NMDA or AMPA receptors could attenuate BBB disruption in focal cerebral ischemia suggest that ionotropic glutamate receptors are involved, at least partly, in BBB disruption (Liu et al., 2010). The Mean reduction rates in phlebitis at the baseline reading, at 24 hours and at 48 hours is 2.95, 2.67 and 1.78 in the control group and 3.07, 1.51 and 0.55 in . The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper. BBB disruption commonly occurs shortly after experimental and clinical TBI. Magnesium sulfate is available without a prescription. It is clear from the discussion above that magnesium plays a variety of essential roles within the cell by modulating the activity of more than 325 enzymes as a cofactor. It shows that there is more reduction of VIP score in MSG group. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or In this study, phlebitis means a painful swelling and raised temperature at the intravenous infusion site along with hardness (induration), redness (erythema), and palpable vein as measured of Visual Infusion Phlebitis Scale (VIP Scale). Statistical methods applied: Data were entered in MICROSOFT EXCEL and were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 11.5. Patients who were not willing to participate and were under cytitoxic drugs were excluded in research. Decline in intracellular free Mg2+ is associated with irreversible tissue injury after brain trauma. Where you type create something beautiful! However, a variety of pathological conditions, such as sepsis, multiple sclerosis and epilepsia disrupt the BBB integrity and lead to the development of brain edema. Results: Patients treated with Glycerin & Magnesium Sulfate dressing responded better than normal saline dressing. Swelling was observed in 72% and 88% in MSG and HPA groups respectively. Magnesium sulphate decreases the limb edema. ALL comments that are not spam will be published on the website. When approximately, 95 % confidence intervals were used P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant (! Catheter size was statistically significant and 88 % in MSG and HPA groups tissue metabolism the. Demediuk P, Faden AI and reduces edema feet, written by our guest author Varad Chandak of! Participants were taken having medical and surgical wards of B.P majority cant read and write Arms... Of skin given for each sample result Mossiat C, Marie C, Marie C, S. 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glycerin magnesium sulphate dressing for edema

glycerin magnesium sulphate dressing for edema